27 October 2012

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19 October 2012

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15 October 2012

Would It Kill You to Keep Your House Clean?

Though you might never have realized it, the typical Western home is full of toxins. Toxins aren't just found in the foods we eat — they're all around us. They're in your kitchen in your cleaning supplies; they're in your bathroom in your shampoo bottle and body lotions; and they're even in the cleanest-looking hotel (ever wonder why you don't see cockroaches at hotels, even though food trays are left out in the open?). Even our beautiful public parks are maintained with chemical weed killers and lawn mowers that emit hazardous gasoline fumes into the air. Short of living in the deep, uninhabited parts of the rainforest or the Arctic, there truly is no way to avoid toxins. What you can do is limit the amount of toxins within the confines of your own home. I promise I'm not going to ask you to ditch all your cleaning products and live in an unkempt house!. It's just not necessary or healthy to expose yourself, your family, and your pets to the lethal agents that are in most chemical cleaners. While these cleaners may create a pleasing fresh scent, there are natural alternatives that can keep you and your home just as clean without exposing you to the toxins that add up to unhealthy weight gain and disease. Here are a few of the best tips to get your house clean — without killing yourself: Transition from plastic and aluminum to glass. It might seem tough to give up aluminum foil and plastic products such as bags, pitchers, and storage containers, but many studies show that hazardous chemicals in those handy household products can leach into your food. Glass, on the other hand, is nonporous and made from natural ingredients. It won't pick up funky smells, contaminate your leftovers, or wear out from use. And as an added bonus, it's better for the environment! Switch to all-natural cleaners. Non-toxic cleaners are now more readily available than ever. Even major manufacturers are starting to recognize the desire of the public to eliminate chemicals and toxins, and in response they are providing natural alternatives. Make the change! As you run out of laundry detergent, tile cleaner, or other household products, replace them with non-toxic versions. For affordable, back-to-basics solutions, try natural cleaners such as distilled white vinegar, baking soda, borax, lemon juice, citrus cleaners, and castile soaps. Pay attention to the air you breathe. Consider installing air filters in your home or at least commit to proper ventilation. Another good, natural way to filter the air is by keeping common house plants in your home. Because we breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, and plants take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, it makes for a perfect symbiotic relationship. Clean your water supply. Consider installing reverse- osmosis water filters on all the water sources in your house. It can be expensive, but if you can afford it, it's well worth the investment to avoid the toxins that often exist in the water supply. Don't feel obligated to switch everything at once. Just chip away at it, little by little, changing out a product or two every time you go to the supermarket. As you move closer and closer to a fully detoxified lifestyle, you'll notice big differences in the way you look and feel (hello, weight is dropping, people!), and you'll be so happy you made the commitment and stuck with it!

02 October 2012

Still pickin tomatoes!

Get your brown sacks and come over-the plants are loaded with both cherry & romas! Oh, and peppers,too!